Welcome to the conference
Paris – Online edition
Wednesday, December, 9th, 2020
9:00 16:15 CET
The conference is the 5th edition of a yearly event co-organized by Institut Louis Bachelier and Banque de France, with the participation of Finance For Tomorrow and the Institute for Climate Economics-I4CE.
The objective of the conference is to bring together academics, finance practitioners and regulators, to discuss together research issues related to the integration of climate risks (more generally environmental issues) into macro-economic modelling/forecasting and into the risk assessment of the financial sector.
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9:00-9:10 Introductory remarks
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Speaker: Jean-Michel Beacco (CEO – Institut Louis Bachelier)
9:10-9:30 Keynote on the French climate pilot exercise
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Speaker: Emmanuelle Assouan (Deputy Director General – Banque de France/Autorité du Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution)
9:30-10:15 “A Finance Approach to Climate Stress Testing” (2020)
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Speaker: Mathijs Van Dijk (Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management)
Authors: Henk Jan Reinders, Dirk Schoenmaker and Mathijs A. Van Dijk.
Discussant: Laurent Clerc (Director – Autorité du Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution)
(including Q&A session)
10:15-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:00 “The Alignment cookbook: a technical review of methodologies assessing portfolio’s alignment with low carbon trajectories or temperature goals” (2020) and potential future research-related projects
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Speakers: Julie Raynaud (Member of the expert network of the Institut Louis Bachelier) and Peter Tankov (ENSAE Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Institut Louis Bachelier)
Authors: Julie Raynaud, Stéphane Voisin, Peter Tankov, Anuschka Hilke and Alice Pauthier.
(including Q&A session)
11:00-12:15 Alignment assessment methodologies – use cases, limits and the way forward
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Moderator: Anuschka Hilke (Institute for Climate Economics – I4CE)
(including Q&A session)
12:15-12:25 “Paris financial center alignment to the Paris Agreement: the role of research to go from responsibility to impact”
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Speaker: Anne-Claire Roux (Managing Director – Finance for Tomorrow)
14:00-14:30 “Indebted to nature: Exploring biodiversity risks for the Dutch financial sector” (2020)
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Speaker: Danijela Piljic, DeNederlandscheBank (Economist – Dutch central bank)
Authors: Joris van Toor, Danijela Piljic, Guan Schellekens, Mark van Oorschot and Marcel Kok.
(including Q&A session)
14:30-14:45 Award of the Banque de France Prize for Young Researchers in Green Finance
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Message by Sylvie Goulard (Deputy Governor – Banque de France)
Short presentation by the Laureate Olivier David Zerbib
14:45-16:00 Biodiversity and financial risks – A new frontier?
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Moderator: Romain Svartzman (Economist – Banque de France)
(including Q&A session)
16:00-16:15 Concluding remarks
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Speaker: Morgan Després (Deputy Director – Banque de France)
Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB)
The Institut Louis Bachelier is an association as defined by the law of 1901 and was created in 2008 at the instigation of the Treasury and Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations.
Through our activities, we aim to involve academics, public authorities and private companies in research projects and forums for the exchange of ideas.
Together we will find solutions for a changing world, with the focus on four societal transitions : environmental, digital, demographic, and financial.
For more information : www.institutlouisbachelier.org
Green and Sustainable Finance (GSF)
The objective of this Transversal Program is to boost applied academic research in the field of green and sustainable finance. We aim at addressing the most critical research issues such as scenario analysis, impact measurement and ESG risk modelling by mutualizing the research effort among both academic institutions and the financial industry financial sponsors while expanding the overall resources to make sure these new emerging challenges are properly addressed and communicated to a large audience.
For more information : gsf.institutlouisbachelier.org
ILB is now part of the European project “GrEnFIn: Greening Energy Market and Finance” coordinated by University of Bologna in cooperation with a Consortium of 13 partners. Its main expected results are the development of an innovative Joint Master Degree in the Green Energy and Finance targeting young students, but also a Professional Module to train companies’ staff and experts already active in the labor market.
For more information : www.institutlouisbachelier.org/en/network-en/associated-partnerships
Observatoire de la finance durable
Explore the commitments and achievements supporting green and sustainable finance of Paris Financial Centre members.
For more information : observatoiredelafinancedurable.com
French Research Map on Green and Sustainable Finance
Discover a digital and collaborative tool by Finance for Tomorrow and the Institut Louis Bachelier, in association with the French SIF.
For more information : sustainable-finance-researchmap.org
Should you want to know more about
the Banque de France’s Prize for Young Researchers in Green Finance, click here.